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Short Economic Report on Living Style – A US-based Furniture Company Importing from Vietnam



Living Style Company is a furniture enterprise headquartered in the United States, operating in the field of importing interior products from Vietnam. The company focuses on providing high-quality and uniquely designed furniture products from the Vietnamese market to the US market. The following report will provide a brief analysis of the business situation and a forecast for Living Style Company in the near future.

Import Market

  In the past 5 months, the value of imports by Living Style Company from Vietnam has shown a stable increase as follows:

January: $775,869

February: $1,699,141

March: $1,809,881

April: $3,294,946

May: $2,635,764

From the above data, we can observe a significant increase in the value of imports in the recent 5 months. This indicates the positive development of Living Style Company in importing furniture products from the Vietnamese market.

Key Product Categories

Living Style Company primarily focuses on importing and distributing key furniture items from Vietnam, including shelves and desks. These items constitute over 80% of the total import value in the past 5 months. The company’s concentration on these product categories demonstrates their expertise and specific strategy in meeting the demands of the US market.

Cabinets and beds make up the remaining 20% of the import value. Although this percentage is lower compared to shelves and desks, they still contribute significantly to the company’s overall sales revenue.


It is expected that in the months of June and July, Living Style Company will continue to maintain its growth momentum in importing furniture products from Vietnam. The last month of the year is projected to see a substantial increase in imports due to the peak holiday season in the US and other countries. This surge in demand during the holiday period will help the company boost sales volume and enhance overall business performance.


Living Style Company is an import-export business specializing in furniture products from Vietnam to the United States. With significant growth in import value and a focus on high-quality furniture items, the company shows promising prospects for continued strong development in the future. Positive forecasts for the months of June, July, and the year-end will provide opportunities to expand their market presence and strengthen Living Style Company’s position in the US furniture market.

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