About Us




of products
Comprehensive database Exceptional customer service 20+ years of

VietnamWood is a team with more than 20 years of experience in the wood industry in all aspects, including trading, business connection, and investment.

To connect suppliers and buyers across the world, VietnamWood offers a wide selection of high-quality made-of-wood products from top-tier manufacturers in Vietnam, which can meet the needs of any party that is interested in the Vietnam wood industry.

We are proud of our comprehensive database, which includes detailed information on each supplier’s product offerings, capabilities, and certifications. We guarantee that every product offered on Marketplace is made of qualified Vietnamese raw materials and our country’s pride.

Besides, VietnamWood is a reliable source for the latest and in-depth news and events about the wood industry all around the world. Our news section is dedicated to keeping you informed with up-to-date data, statistics, and analyses that matter to your business.

We devote our effort and intellectual resources to provide exceptional customer service and support, making sure that every transaction on vietnamwood.com.vn is seamless, secure, and foremost, benefits your business. Join us today and start building a prosperous international wood industry.