Preparing to Comply with The EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Regulation – Meeting The Requirements for Traceability of Agroforestry Products’ Origin

The EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Regulation (EUFLEGT), abbreviated as EUDR, will come into effect on June 29, 2023. Currently, there are seven groups of products regulated by EUDR. Vietnam currently exports three product categories to the EU, including coffee, wood, and rubber. To allow the circulation of these products in the EU, importing businesses from the EU must ensure that the products are legal and do not contribute to deforestation and forest degradation (hereinafter referred to as deforestation), with the deforestation timeframe starting from December 30, 2020, onwards. Businesses have 18 months (for large enterprises) or 24 months (for medium and small enterprises) after the effective date of EUDR to prepare and comply with its requirements.

One of the crucial requirements of EUDR is the traceability of the product’s origin throughout the entire supply chain, including accurately determining the geolocation of the land where these products are produced. This update summarizes the requirements of EUDR, focusing on the geographical location aspect of cultivated land. For all three product categories mentioned above, farmers play a key role at the beginning of the supply chain.

The update provides basic information about the production land of farmers in the supply chain, including challenges arising from the conditions of unstable and insufficiently documented land (lack of necessary land-use rights certificates) for certain plots of land to identify the legal entity when using these land plots. Addressing these existing issues is crucial to meeting the requirements of EUDR regarding the identification of the geographical location of the land where export products are produced.


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