Keeping Pulse for The Wood Industry

One story that has attracted attention during the past month is the fact that Leglor Company, after 6 times sent petitions to the leaders of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, the General Department of Taxation, the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City, the Minister of Finance together with 2 official letters proposed to meet the leaders of the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City, finally achieved their goal, which is to submit the proposal for VAT refund to the Tax Department of Ho Chi Minh City and will sign it immediately.

Although still waiting for a tax refund decision, reaching this step, according to a representative of Leglor, is also a good result after the waiting time because it is estimated that the amount of value added tax paid by businesses after nearly 2 years needs to be paid. refunded to nearly 30 billion, a huge amount for a business, especially in a difficult time like the present.

There is a paradox here, which is that even with orders, it is difficult for the company to plan production and export because of lack of capital, because the more companies do, the more they lose due to the value-added tax refund. more “blocked”.

During the past time, the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association has repeatedly proposed to the Prime Minister and ministries and sectors to have policies for enterprises in the wood and forest products industry to be able to extend their debts and delay the time for paying social insurance. society in the context of a sharp drop in exports and about 3,000 billion dong of value added tax that has not been refunded.

VND 6,100 billion is a very large number, an important source of internal investment capital for businesses in the industry to overcome obstacles and difficulties when the world market fluctuates continuously and faces many difficulties.

Capital can be considered as the lifeblood of an enterprise, when capital is “buried” because of management policies, “the enterprise’s body will be weak”, and there, it is not only the fate of an enterprise, an industry. goods, but also the fate of hundreds of workers in the back.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a reasonable exploration to promote cash flow, promote the recovery of production and business. Mr. Do Xuan Lap, Chairman of the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association believes that the Ministry of Finance’s concerns about considering the export wood industry as a risky industry in tax refund, because there are some fraudulent businesses. Declaration of value added tax in exports is justifiable.

But Mr. Lap is also sure of one thing that most of the wood industry businesses are doing genuine business, so the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association proposed the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance to consider and strictly handle them. enterprises have made mistakes, and at the same time have a plan to solve and create conditions for timely value-added tax refund for genuine business enterprises.

In particular, he also recommended the Prime Minister, ministries and branches to have policies for enterprises in the wood and forest product processing industry to extend their debt due from 6 months to 12 months, and to have a special credit package from the Government Bank. social policy for enterprises to pay wages to workers this year, and at the same time, there is a policy for enterprises to delay the payment of social insurance, without interest this year.

In the context of a sharp drop in export orders, Mr. Do Xuan Lap suggested that there should be more openness from the value-added tax refund policy for wood businesses, to create motivation and have development capital.

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