Phu Yen’s Remarkable 47% Forest Coverage: A Green Oasis of Vietnam Unveiled

In the year 2023, the forest coverage in Phu Yen province surpassed 47% due to effective measures taken for forest protection, wildfire prevention, and overall forest coverage.

Phú Yên hướng đến phát triển lâm nghiệp bền vững
Phu Yen aims to develop sustainable forestry

During the same year, the regular incidence of unusual heatwaves and natural disasters posed challenges to forestry production activities. Nevertheless, under the guidance and leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, and People’s Committee of Phú Yên province, in collaboration with various departments, committees, sectors, and local authorities, the implementation of essential forestry goals and plans not only met but surpassed the predefined targets.

As of the conclusion of 2023, Mr. Le Van Be, the Director of the Forest Protection Department in Phu Yen, reported that the forest coverage rate in the province stands at 47.1%, surpassing 101%. This signifies a 0.55% rise compared to the figures from 2022.

The accomplishment is attributed to the collective endeavors of Phú Yên province and the effective execution of initiatives related to forest protection, wildfire prevention, and forest development. Notably, there has been a strong emphasis on community-driven afforestation activities, contributing to the positive outcomes.

The Forest Protection Department, along with forest management boards and inspection units, has taken proactive measures to prevent and address forest fires. They have actively spread awareness and garnered commitments to forest protection from 1,384 households living near the forests. Furthermore, they have systematically assessed and updated high-risk fire areas, implemented preventive measures during dry seasons, and consistently updated forest fire forecasts. In collaboration with relevant sectors, local authorities, and forest owners, continuous 24/7 standby teams have been established. Forest owners have deployed robust patrols and surveillance, strictly regulated the use of fire within and around the forests, and closely monitored them to prevent field burning by local residents. Mr. Le Van Be noted that the province experienced 11 forest fire incidents during the year, with 7 cases occurring in planted forests, resulting in a loss of over 112 hectares.

The province has effectively planted more than 7,179 hectares of forests, exceeding 110%. Forest care activities have covered 22,500 hectares, achieving 106%, while the forest protection quota has included almost 29,500 hectares, meeting 100% of the predetermined objectives.

Looking forward, in order to maintain and augment forest coverage, the Forest Protection Department has instructed district forest inspection units to focus on the efficient implementation of measures for both forest protection and development. This involves concentrated efforts on safeguarding forests and preventing slash-and-burn agriculture, particularly in mountainous districts. Prioritizing the timely prevention and handling of illegal logging activities, the province is also intensifying initiatives for afforestation, forest care, and regeneration programs.

At the same time, the province is actively carrying out the strategic development plan for Vietnam’s forestry sector, spanning from 2021 to 2030, with a vision reaching 2050 with the goal of realizing the established objectives. This includes a dedicated commitment to ensuring the effective protection of 100% of the current natural forest area, preserving a sensible and stable expanse of special-use forests, and securing the province’s protective forests in accordance with the specified targets. The province aims to reduce violations and forest damage by a minimum of 10% each year in comparison to the preceding year, aligning with the defined objectives.


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