Business Activities of Foreign Invested Enterprises in the Wood Industry

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) play a pivotal role in propelling Vietnam’s wood sector to new heights. With over 3,500 businesses actively involved in exports, Foreign Invested Enterprises, though modest in number, contribute significantly to the industry’s success, accounting for less than 20%. The industry’s stellar performance in 2022, reaching 16 billion USD in export earnings, underscores the substantial impact of FDI entities. This short introduction provides a glimpse into the crucial role that Foreign Direct Investments play in shaping the growth and economic landscape of Vietnam’s thriving wood industry.

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) are indispensable contributors to the flourishing wood sector, playing a critical role in its success. The most recent statistics from the Forestry and Forest Inspection Departments highlight the industry’s robust presence, boasting a staggering number of over 3,500 businesses actively involved in export activities. Among these enterprises, those with FDI involvement constitute a modest proportion, accounting for less than 20% of the total. The year 2022 witnessed an impressive financial performance for the industry, with its export earnings reaching an approximate sum of 16 billion USD. Notably, the FDI enterprises within this sector played a substantial role, contributing nearly half of the industry’s total export value during the same period. This underscores the significant impact and influence that Foreign Direct Investments wield in propelling the wood sector’s growth and overall economic contribution.

The involvement of companies, encompassing both general and FDI categories, in the production phase continues to hold considerable importance within the wood industry. Notably, the number of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) businesses actively participating in the sector, coupled with their export performance within the FDI segment, has showcased a commendable trend of consistent and stable growth over the past few years. This sustained growth underscores the industry’s attractiveness to FDI entities and highlights their ongoing and expanding role in shaping the production landscape and export dynamics of the wood sector. The enduring stability of the expansion of FDI-related businesses emphasizes their significant and enduring contribution to the industry’s overall development and global market presence.

The Vietnamese government strategically positions the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sector as a central driving force for economic expansion, capitalizing on its prowess in capital, management acumen, technology, and market reach as pivotal elements for overall development. Anticipating a progressive dissemination of these instrumental factors across the domestic business landscape, the government envisions a transformative impact over time. The comprehensive report, “Foreign-Invested Enterprises’ Business Activities in the Wood Industry: Updated until October 2023,” serves as a vital resource offering the most recent insights into FDI trends within Vietnam’s wood sector. Covering a spectrum from new FDI initiatives to mergers and acquisitions, stock-related capital contributions, and the export performance of wood and wood-related products within the FDI segment, the report is thoughtfully divided into four distinct sections for a thorough and insightful analysis.

View the full report of VIFOREST, FPA Binh Dinh, HAWA, BIFA, DOWA and Forest Trends here (in only Vietnamese)


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