Digital Transformation of The Wood Industry: Do Not Be Stereotyped by Machines

Digital transformation is considered as a means for wood industry enterprises to move towards smart production and sustainable development. However, there is no one optimal digital transformation solution for all businesses and must be based on the actual production and management processes of each business to make the right choice.

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The above are the comments of experts at the Workshop on Digital Transformation of the Wood Industry, organized by the Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts and Woodworking Association (Hawa) and The Asia Foundation, on September 23.

The Novaon Tech survey on the current situation of digital transformation in the wood industry shows that there are 3 priorities that businesses should focus on when digital transformation is optimizing costs, increasing labor efficiency, building brands/increasing sales. capture and enhance the customer experience. In addition, improving administrative capacity and simplifying management processes are also the goals of a group of enterprises in the wood industry.

However, the biggest challenge that businesses are currently facing when conducting digital transformation is the lack of professional partners, capable of consulting, good solutions, and high competition; enterprises are concerned about the initial costs being too large; skills, technology capacity, and human resource capacity are still limited.

In addition, there are businesses facing difficulties such as leaders who do not have the desire to implement digital transformation, business strategies that have not set digital transformation as a priority, and too much software that cannot be integrated. together.

Mr. Nguyen Chanh Phuong, Hawa Vice President, said that digital transformation in wood enterprises has been mentioned for a long time and is a hotly discussed issue, but digital transformation in enterprises is still only in the beginning stage. head. The focus of the first step is on people, from building awareness to capacity training for the staff in charge of digital transformation of each business in order to shorten the gap and awareness between business leaders and employees. those who directly convert digital in the business. The second step in the digital transformation strategy is to introduce specific solutions suitable for businesses.

According to Mr. Nguyen Chanh Phuong, digital transformation depends on the vision and thinking of the business, so there is no solution that can be the best, covering all businesses, but only suitable solutions for businesses. group of businesses or just a specific business. Same is digital transformation, but businesses should not be mechanical, stereotyped in the same way as “sewing uniforms” with other businesses, this does not create different values and unintentionally puts pressure on themselves. mutual competition.

Sharing the experience of actual digital transformation at the enterprise, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Bao, Vice President of Scansia Pacific said, is a manufacturer and exporter of interior and exterior furniture for major brands and distribution systems in Europe. and Americas, the company started its digital transformation very early, about 10 years ago. The value that digital transformation brings is great, but to get that result, businesses also go through many stages of approaching and testing to choose the most effective solution.

“For digital transformation, enterprises must first standardize internal processes, then choose software solutions from external units. But the problem lies in the fact that software providers do not. understand a lot about production and vice versa, the production staff do not have much expertise in software to interact and exchange during the transformation process, which is also a problem that many businesses are currently facing. Scansia Pacific’s solution is to build its own software development team and this works very well.In particular, the manufacturing business is the problem that arises quite often and continuously, thanks to the team. the team on the spot that the problem is considered and resolved quickly”, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Bao analyzed.

Experts also believe that digital transformation is not a destination but a means for businesses to achieve their goals in terms of management quality, production and cost savings. The way to use that means is also very diverse, the effectiveness achieved depends on the perception of the leadership team, the solution as well as the level of connection of resources inside and outside the enterprise. Therefore, businesses that are sensitive and flexible in choosing appropriate routes and solutions will achieve high efficiency.

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